🏋️ Battlefield
Hello everyone, we are so happy to announce that our EXP Battle function is activated! Anyone who has the Code Green NFTs can join the battle!
Last updated
Hello everyone, we are so happy to announce that our EXP Battle function is activated! Anyone who has the Code Green NFTs can join the battle!
Last updated
Game Intro
Click GameFi to enter the Battle space
Then click Battle to enter the equipment selection space. Here you can weaponize your Code Green to get ready to battle
Here is the battle scene
Earn EXP once you have won the battle.
EXP Battle Info
⚠️ All the calculation below may change with different functions release, we will regularly update the latest changes on both Medium and Gitbook. Check the Battle Mechanics tab (under Game Guide) to understand more about battle calculations.
Battle Rule
Each Code Green NFT can battle up to 5 times every day. (Move NFT to a new wallet address will not reset the battle times of it)
The battle times of each NFT will refresh at 12AM UTC (8AM GMT+8) everyday.
The winner will get 300 EXP for each NFT that joined the battle, which means if you put 4 NFTs join the battle and win, then you will get 300*4=1200 EXP
The loser will get no EXP, rewards or punishment.
EXP can be used in leveling Code Greens, increasing their attributes and strength.