🤘Retro Pop Rock Scene

Login and join the party

You may choose to <Connect your wallet> or <Play as guest> without logging in

If you choose to <Connect your wallet>, you may select from the following supported wallets

Select your avatar

After connecting your wallet, if you are a Peking Monsters NFT holder, you can select your preferred avatar (Mimi, Gaga, Big Foot, Bot Marley); if you are not a Peking Monsters NFT holder, your default avatar will be Bot Marley.

After selecting your avatar, you will officially enter the party scene, here is a brief introduction about the menu settings:

  • A: Chat room: you may initiate a conversation to people within the scene or the entire Starryverse by selecting <Scene> or <World>

  • B: from left to right , there are props, dance moves, operation guide and position reset

  • C: Join the live broadcast of the music festival


  • Floating bubble: to be used in the Retro Pop Rock scene

  • Swim rig: to be used while in the pool in Retro Pop Rock scene

  • Rocket backpack: to be used on Metal Max Wasteland scene

Customize your user name

You may customize your user name at the same interface as "props" by clicking and editing the user name box on top of your avatar.

Sitting on the beach chair

You may press "F" when near a beach chair to sit on it and chill~

Graffiti task

Once you enter the scene, look for Tammy (girl with a TV shaped head) on your right hand side. Approach Tammy and press "F" to start a conversation with her.

She will elaborate the graffiti task, asking you to illuminate 5 graffiti in the scene to be rewarded with exclusive props.

To make life easier, here are the hints of the graffiti:

You may illuminate the graffiti by pressing "F"

After you completed the task, please return to Tammy and start a conversation with her, she will deliver your reward, a floating bubble. You may use it to fly through the air!


Approach Tammy (girl with a TV shaped head) on your left hand side. Approach Tammy and press "F" to start a conversation with her.

Then you may try your luck with the lottery tickets you have obtained from completing quests on Trantor (https://trantor.xyz/activity)

Peking Monsters NFTs

The billboard with "2007" on it on the right hand side of the main stage is embedded with the Peking Monsters NFT opensea link. You may approach the billboard and click into the link

Get a drink at the bar

Approach the bar owner (the guy with a beard) standing in front the bar, press "F" to start a conversation with him.

You will get a drink at the bar and stay drunk for 5 minutes. Cheers~

Last updated