🏟️Warrior Stadium

Refer <Holy Omikuji Temple> section for the steps to access to Citizenship Exclusive Spaces.

There are 3 different scenes crafted for "Warriors" to showcase their skills:

  • Warrior Stadium-Galaxy Scene

  • Warrior Stadium-Ravine Scene

  • Warrior Stadium-Cosmos Scene

Click any of the 3 " Warrior Stadium" scenes to access the space.

To conquer all the challenges, certain skills and flexible switching between multiple keys are necesssary. You need to quickly switch between left (A key), right (D key) direction and jump (space bar) in order to move to the next ideal spot. You can adjust your view angle and perspective with your mouse. If you fall, try again and never give up .

Keep it up! You will reach the end with a few more attempts! Good luck on clearing all the obstacles!

Last updated