Who are the investors of StarryNift ?

StarryNift has received about $10M investment led by SIG (Susquehanna International Group), a global quantitative trading firm. Other notable investors include Binance Labs, OKX Ventures, BNB Chain Fund, CoinGecko Ventures, and other notable investors.

What is the token economy?

For insights into our token economy and its design logic, you can refer to https://starrynift.medium.com/glimpse-of-tokenomics-models-and-developments-aa35055c6994 for more details.

Where is StarryNift based?

StarryNift boasts a globally diverse team with members situated across the world, spanning countries like Singapore, France, Italy, the United States, and beyond.

What is the vision of StarryNift?

StarryNift envisions an autonomous metaverse where users can seamlessly interact with AI agents, enhancing their experiences and enabling new possibilities. Our mission is to pioneer a new paradigm, one that integrates the principles of Web3 and harnesses the power of AI, revolutionizing the way we interact, create, transact, and grow within this digital universe.

What are the goals of StarryNift?

These are the goals as well as the features of StarryNift:

  1. Immersion & Intelligence in Social Interaction

  2. Comprehensive User Identity Data Sovereignty

  3. Intelligent Data Utilization and Empowerment

  4. Efficient Metaverse Integration and Interoperability

  5. Sustainable Creator Economy

StarryNift aims to deliver a holistic, intuitive, and intelligent metaverse experience that fills crucial gaps in immersion, identity integrity, data intelligence, creative freedom, and gaming engagement. Our uniquely designed platform serves as an integrated ecosystem that offers a solution currently absent in the market. By addressing these challenges collectively, StarryNift strives to create a captivating, immersive, and empowering metaverse experience.

How can I begin my journey with StarryNift?

We recommend starting by joining the Citizenship program, where you can freemint your Citizenship card at https://starrynift.art/Citizen-pad, and following the task guide at https://starrynift.art/earn to gain XP and enhance your card level for future benefits.

What is Citizenship?

StarryNift's Citizenship protocol signifies a pivotal evolution in digital identity, seamlessly integrating Web2 and Web3 data to construct comprehensive user profiles. This enables a detailed understanding of user behaviors and preferences, facilitating precise insights for both users and businesses. The Citizenship card functions as an ID card, capturing your data to enhance our understanding of you and to offer future rewards based on your activity within StarryNift.

What is the quantity of StarryNift Citizenship cards?

The quantity is continuously increasing. You can check the current citizenship quantity at https://bscscan.com/token/0xe364a4b0188ab22dc13718993b0fa0ca5f123edc

What is the purpose of XP ? / How can I benefit from being a Citizenship holder ?

The more XP you earn, the higher your Citizenship card level will be, allowing you to receive greater future token airdrop allocations and additional rewards.

How can I Earn XP?

Please refer to the detailed guide at https://docs.starrynift.art/earn/how-to-earn-xp to maximize your XP earnings.

And we constantly hold special campaigns with exciting XP prize pool, so please stay tuned with our Twitter to never miss the rewarding events.

What is StarryAI for?

Starry AI is an innovative feature allowing users to effortlessly create and customize AI characters using advanced large language models (LLMs). These AI personas can seamlessly integrate into third-party websites and social media platforms, enhancing user engagement. Users can embed their AI characters (assistants and chatbots) into 3D spaces on StarryNift without coding expertise, and engaging with Starry AI features rewards users with XP.

Future updates will introduce additional functionalities, aiming to facilitate deeper integration for external projects through SDKs and APIs, promising to usher in a new era of the Metaverse. Additionally, we will introduce AI NPCs, agents, judges, 3D Generative AI Models, and an AI-driven autonomous creator economy.

You can refer to https://starrynift.medium.com/charting-new-frontiers-starrynifts-ai-odyssey-in-metaverse-368cb1ff4ae2 to know more.

What can I do with Starry AI?

Starry AI enables users to harness the full potential of artificial intelligence by allowing them to create, customize, publish, and share AI characters. Starry AI distinguishes itself from competitors by offering extensive customization options. Users can personalize their AI characters in unique ways, such as uploading specific training materials to enhance their AI's knowledge base and behavior.

For comprehensive tutorials and guidance on making the most of Starry AI's features, please refer to https://docs.starrynift.art/starryai for more info.

Is Starry AI free to use?

Yes, starting with Starry AI is entirely free, provided you hold a Citizenship Pass. The quantity of free AI characters and message credits you receive each month is determined by your Citizenship level, with higher levels receiving more free messages. You can find a detailed tier system at: https://docs.starrynift.art/starryai/pricing

This tiered system is intended to promote exploration and use of Starry AI's features, enabling you to deeply engage with the platform as your Citizenship level advances. Importantly, your free message credits are automatically replenished at the start of each month. Additionally, Starry AI offers paid packages for advanced users.

What is the advanced paid package for AI Chatbot?

For more detailed pricing info, please refer to https://docs.starrynift.art/starryai/pricing

How Can I Customize My Chatbot?

You can find detailed steps for creating a chatbot here: https://docs.starrynift.art/starryai/my-bot

What can I do in Starryverse?

Starryverse 3D spaces offer immersive and interactive environments for users to enjoy various activities, including virtual concerts, art exhibitions, parties, festivals, 3D AMAs, and engaging games like spaceship battles, treasure hunts, and platform jumping.

How can I contact StarryNift for business collaboration?

To submit your business collaboration, please send an email to [email protected]. Our team usually responds within three business day. Alternatively, you can join our official Discord server and open a support ticket. Our admin will then connect you with our BD member.

What are StarryNift social media links?

Twitter: https://twitter.com/StarryNift

Telegram: https://t.me/starrynift

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/GBjzJUUEUt

Medium: https://starrynift.medium.com

For further information, please don't hesitate to ask our knowledgeable StarryNift Encyclopedia AI bot at https://starrynift.art/ai/mychat/STARRY

Last updated